Presentation of Two Books on Latvian Jewish Communities

As a part of the conference “Jewish Life in the Baltics Before, During and After the Holocaust” (
museum “Jews in Latvia” has the pleasure to invite you on September 3 (Tuesday), at 18:00, to the presentation of recently published books, detailing the history of Jewish communities in two Latvian towns:
*PhD cand. Kaspars Strods. Footprints of the Past: The Jewish Community of Varakļāni.
The book by native of the town, professional historian Kaspars Strods, is based on archival research along with extensive use of oral history sources, and particularly discusses not only the iternal life of the Jewish community, but also their relations with the Gentile neighbors, stereotypes about the Jews and cases of anti-Jewish violence.
* Dr. Victor Shatz. Jaunjelgava: History of the Town and its Jewish Community.
The author is a prominent Latvian biologist and descendant of notable Shatz family from Jaunjelgava, who has been working on this bilingual book for two decades. It details Jewish contribution to the history of the town, administrative structure of the Jewish community, religious life, everyday and economic life, showing it in broad context of city history.
The event will take place in English, with possible translation into Latvian.
The entrance is free.
The publication of the books and the presentation event was financially supported by the Latvian Jewish Community Restitution Foundation (LEKOREF).
The presentation is supported by Riga City Council.